
This notebook provides a running example of estimating the following values, for a single patient:

Note: In the code, the constants denoting the states are named MILD, MODERATE and SEVERE. In the paper these constants correspond with the states named Moderate, Severe and Critical, respectively.

Follow These Steps:

1. Define Patient Covariates:

We shall provide estimates for a 55 year old male hospitalized in a critical condition. Predictions below are done from time of hospitalization but estimates can be predicted from any time since hospitalization.



sex = MALE

Age (in years)

age = 55

Patient’s State at Hospitalization

Denoted as entry_state, this can be either MILD, MODERATE or SEVERE.

NOTE: in the paper, these are named MODERATE, SEVERE and CRITICAL respectively.

entry_state = SEVERE

Patient’s Current State

For prediction from time of hospitalization this is necessarily the same as entry_state, but if we predict from some time during hospitalization this can be another state.

current_state = SEVERE

Days since hospitalization until entry to current state

Integer number of days since hospitalization until the patient entered the current state


  1. For prediction from day of hospitalization (necessarily from first state) use: 0

  2. If the patient was hospitalized for 10 days, 3 of them spent in the current state, then 7 days have passed since hospitalization until entry to the curent state, use: 7

days_since_hospitalization_until_entry_to_current_state = 0

Days spent at current state

Integer number of days spent at the current state


  1. For prediction from day of hospitalization (necessarily from first state) use: 0

  2. If patient was hospitalized for 10 days, and is already 3 days in the current state, use: 3

days_at_current_state = 0

From the two definitions above we have:

total_days_since_hospitalization = days_since_hospitalization_until_entry_to_current_state + 

Indicator Variable for Previous Visit to SEVERE State:

A binary 0/1 indicator of a past visit to the SEVERE state (In the paper: “Critical”). 1 indicates there was such a visit.

Note: if the patient was hospitalized in SEVERE state, the indicator should initially be 0, as there was no past visit to the SEVERE state.

was_severe = 0

Construct The Covariates:

covariates = construct_covariates(sex = sex,
                                  age = age,
                                  entry_state = entry_state,
                                  cumulative_time = days_since_hospitalization_until_entry_to_current_state,
                                  was_severe = was_severe)

2. Decide if you wish to compute confidence intervals

This notebook computes 95% confidence intervals for the estimates listed above. Intervals are estimated using a weighted bootstrap based on 100 models, i.e 100 models each running 20K monte carlo simulations. This can be relatively slow.

Note: For estimates of the different quantiles of hospitalization time remaining and time remaining in a critical state, in estimates of extreme quantiles, coverage could possibly differ from 95%.


3. Set Monte Carlo Paramaters:

Define the number of monte carlo paths to sample:

M_MONTE_CARLO_PATHS = 20*1000 # recommended

Set maximum state transitions

This is used to exclude outlier paths. For instance, this rule can be used to exclude occurences of paths longer than those observed in the data.

MAX_TRANSITIONS = 9 # recommended

4. Predict:

monte_carlo_runs = israeli_model$run_monte_carlo_simulation(covariates, 
                                                            to_model_state(current_state), # model uses a merged moderate/mild state
                                                            current_time = total_days_since_hospitalization,
                                                            n_random_samples = M_MONTE_CARLO_PATHS,
                                                            max_transitions = MAX_TRANSITIONS)

estimates =  data.frame(estimate = t(compute_statistics(monte_carlo_runs)))

  bootstrap_sd = compute_sd_using_bootstrap(bootstrap_models,
  estimates["Standard Deviation"] = as.numeric(bootstrap_sd)
  estimates["95%-lower"] = estimates$estimate - 1.96*as.numeric(bootstrap_sd)
  estimates["95%-upper"] = estimates$estimate + 1.96*as.numeric(bootstrap_sd)

Predicted Estimates:

estimate Standard Deviation 95%-lower 95%-upper
probability_of_death 0.135700 0.00541273 0.125091 0.146309
probability_of_visit_to_severe_state 1.000000 0.00000000 1.000000 1.000000
time_hospitalized_remaining_quantile_0.1 8.000045 0.23866984 7.532252 8.467838
time_hospitalized_remaining_quantile_0.25 16.000021 0.43239706 15.152523 16.847519
time_hospitalized_remaining_quantile_0.5 28.000062 0.85244195 26.329276 29.670849
time_hospitalized_remaining_quantile_0.75 44.000064 0.90431368 42.227609 45.772518
time_hospitalized_remaining_quantile_0.9 47.000093 0.20000209 46.608089 47.392097
time_remaining_in_severe_state_quantile_0.1 4.000041 0.49680951 3.026295 4.973788
time_remaining_in_severe_state_quantile_0.25 8.000099 0.32951883 7.354242 8.645956
time_remaining_in_severe_state_quantile_0.5 17.000087 0.44945990 16.119146 17.881028
time_remaining_in_severe_state_quantile_0.75 29.000006 0.95190552 27.134271 30.865741
time_remaining_in_severe_state_quantile_0.9 42.000019 0.90000228 40.236014 43.764023

CDF of remaining time in hospital:
