
This notebook provides a running example for predicting the following for a set of currently hospitalized patients:

  1. The expected number of hospitalized patients per day.
  2. The expected number of patients in a Critical state (named “Critical” in the paper, but SEVERE in code).
  3. The expected number of deceased patients by days since hospitalization, in 5 day intervals.

We also show how you could test different future scenarios by loading a set of future hospitalizations you defined.


Load pre-fit model:

model = readRDS('./cache/israeli_model.Rds')

Set Monte Carlo Parameters

# the number of simulated runs per patient, 10K is our recommendation

# the maximum number of transitions in the Multi-State model
# this is used to exclude outlier paths with more transitions than
# the maximal number of transitions observed in the data

Define T: the day from which we predict

T = Sys.Date() # use the date of today
PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD = 30 # predict one month ahead

Load Hospitalized Patient Data:

In this example we generate random stub data, but you can use your own data by reading a dataframe which complies with the following conventions:

  1. sex: MALE (1), FEMALE (0)
  2. age: in years
  3. state_at_hospitalization: either MILD (2), MODERATE (3) or SEVERE (4). Note, these correspond with the states Moderate, Severe, Critical which are used in the paper
  4. date_of_hospitalization: date in the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’
  5. current_state: same values as 3 above
  6. days_spent_in_current_state: non-negative integer
  7. was_severe: Binary indicator. Visited severe state at least once before entering the current state (1), or not (0)

Note: The data generated here is not intended to reflect any true distribution of patients but only serves as an example of the needed data format. Do not base predictions on this stub data.

hospitalized_patients_df = generate_random_hospitalized_patients_df(n_hospitalized_patients = 30,
                                                                    T = T,
                                                                    PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD = PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD)

# alternatively:
# hospitalized_patients_df = read.csv('sourasky_arrival_df.csv')

formattable(head(hospitalized_patients_df, n=5))
sex age state_at_hospitalization date_of_hospitalization current_state days_spent_in_current_state was_severe
1 69 3 2020-10-15 3 5 FALSE
1 75 3 2020-10-16 4 2 FALSE
1 41 2 2020-10-14 2 3 FALSE
1 65 3 2020-10-18 3 2 FALSE
0 10 2 2020-10-17 2 3 FALSE

Convert Table into the Format Acceptable by the Model:

hospitalized_patients = lapply(1:nrow(hospitalized_patients_df), function(row_idx) {
  row = hospitalized_patients_df[row_idx,]
    sex = row$sex, 
    age = row$age, 
    state_at_hospitalization = row$state_at_hospitalization,
    date_of_hospitalization = row$date_of_hospitalization,
    current_state = row$current_state,
    days_spent_in_current_state = row$days_spent_in_current_state,
    was_severe  = row$was_severe,

Load Future Arrival Data:

Note: The stub data generated here is not intended to reflect any true distribution of patients but only serves as an example of the needed data format. Do not base predictions on this stub data.

future_arrival_patients_df = generate_future_arrival_patients_df(n_future_arrivals = 100,
                                                                 T = T,
                                                                 PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD = PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD)

# alternatively:
# future_arrival_patients_df = read.csv('PATH TO YOUR FUTURE ARRIVAL SCENARIO CSV')

formattable(head(future_arrival_patients_df, n=5))
sex age state_at_hospitalization date_of_hospitalization
1 62 2 2020-11-12
1 84 4 2020-11-06
1 39 3 2020-11-02
1 78 3 2020-11-14
0 34 4 2020-10-29
future_arrival_patients = lapply(1:nrow(future_arrival_patients_df), function(row_idx) {
  row = future_arrival_patients_df[row_idx, ]
    sex = row$sex,
    age = row$age,
    state_at_hospitalization = row$state_at_hospitalization,
    date_of_hospitalization = row$date_of_hospitalization

Merge the two lists of patients, and perform a monte carlo simulation per patient

all_patients = hospitalized_patients
if (INCLUDE_FUTURE_ARRIVAL_PATIENTS) all_patients = append(all_patients, 

all_patients = run_monte_carlo_per_patient(all_patients, 

Plot the number of hospitalized patients per day

The plots below displays the mean number of hospitalized patients, over all monte carlo simulations.

For each day, we plot:

Plot the number of patients hospitalized at SEVERE state per day

The plot below is simialr to that above, except it displays the mean number of hospitalized patients in a Critical state (SEVERE)

                                          first_date = T,
                                          last_date = T + PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD,
                                          states_to_include = c(SEVERE))

Expected Number of Deaths

Below you can see the expected proportion of deaths by days since hospitalization. That is, we are counting deaths among all patients 5 days since hospitalization, 10 days hospitalization etc.; averaging over all sampled monte carlo paths.

This analysis includes future arrival patients if INCLUDE_FUTURE_ARRIVAL_PATIENTS = TRUE

Note: deaths occuring after T + PREDICT_N_DAYS_AHEAD are excluded from the displayed statistics.

days_since_hospitalization n_expected_deaths expected_proportion_of_deaths
5 2.9932 0.02302462
10 6.6030 0.05079231
15 8.0962 0.06227846
20 8.9931 0.06917769
25 9.6024 0.07386462
30 9.9620 0.07663077