Jonathan Somer

MD/PhD candidate - Electrical & Computer Engineering, Molecular Cell Biology


I’m a Hacker-Scientist working on the next generation of Cancer treatments.

While the challenge should always dictate the approach, my skills and areas of interest include:

  • Machine Learning & Statistics
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Control Theory & Reinforcement Learning
  • Molecular Biology
  • High-throuput omics analysis

My vision of precision cancer therapy builds upon principles from control theory and dynamical systems. The first step I’ve taken along this path is developing One-Shot Tissue Dynamics Reconsruction (OSDR) an approach for inferring a dynamical model of a tumor, using just a single biopsy. More to come soon!

OSDR Preview


2016-2019 - B.Sc Summa cum laude Computer Science @ Tel-Aviv University

2020-2022 - B.Med.Sc Summa cum laude (rank #1) Medicine @ Technion Israel Institute of Technology

2023-present - PhD Electrical & Computer Engineering @ Technion Israel Institute of Technology, advised by Prof. Shie Mannor

** co-advised by Prof. Uri Alon, Molecular Cell Biology @ Weizmann Institute of Science,

selected publications

  1. OSDR preview.png
    Temporal tissue dynamics from a single snapshot
    Jonathan Somer , Shie Mannor , and Uri Alon
    bioRxiv, 2024